Wednesday, August 12, 2009

We Have A Court Date...Back To More Waiting...

I feel like my life has turned into waiting, and then getting some news, and then waiting, and then getting some more news, and then waiting some more, etc. As suspected, the Ethiopian courts will be closing towards the end of August all through September. It was highly unlikely that we would receive a court date before that closure. But we had prepared ourselves for that. We received our court date of October 8th. However, 40% of cases do not pass the first attempt. I am trying to stay positive and believe that we will pass, but some people don't, and I don't want to get my hopes up. If we pass on the 8th, we could possibly travel around the first of November (just guessing, we haven't heard any tentative travel dates from our agency).

I feel like we get some news, and then it's back to waiting. We now have 2 months more to wait, to think about our court date coming up. Most days the waiting just goes by, some days are rougher than that. Because I am a first-time mom, I often times find my mind wandering to our son. What am I missing out on? How is he gonna look completely different by the next pictures I get? I will have already missed all kinds of stuff by the time I get to him. To help with this, we do get monthly updates from our agency and also the wonderful moms and dads that travel before us who volunteer to take care packages and pictures! We sent our first package for our baby with a travel group who left yesterday to pick up their children. So a big thank you to the Roger's family who will be doing that for us this week!

We're getting close, but then sometimes it seems we are still so far away. I am comforted by the fact that I know this is the son I was born to have. God picked him before I was even alive to be my son. So all things will work together for good. So until we get our next update, we will continue to hold to that hope and look forward to seeing our boy face-to-face...

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